Cheerful, naive, runaway noble on a mission to become a hero

Basic Information

Server: Balmung

Race: Au’ra (Raen)

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Nameday: 3rd Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon

Hair: Green

Eyes: Gold

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Patron Deity: Oschon, the Wanderer

Affiliations: Stillglade Fane, Ikari Katharos FC and Daycare

Family: Estranged, runaway child of adoptive father, Aban Medvyed, a corrupt politician in Ul'dah

Hobbies: Playing and writing music, reading tales of romance and adventure, writing in her journal, watching plays, researching local legends, playing with children, playing in general, offering her time and medical services for free to communities in need.

Common Gear: Saachi carries a bag with her with a medical kit, snacks she plans to eat, snacks she has forgotten to eat and are now smashed at the bottom of her bag, her journal, and a book to read for fun (usually fairytales or romances).

Aspiration: Saachi wants, more than anything, to be a hero like she reads about in books. She wants to do the most good possible and, maybe one day, be written about in a story herself.

Positive traits: Playful, Imaginative, Generous, Adventurous, Friendly, Determined, Optimistic, Quick to help

Negative traits: Stubborn, Self-centered, Tunnel-vision, Naive, Dramatic, Dogmatic, Prideful, Reckless

Horns: I use a mod for Saachi horns because I like how they look a little better. If you are interested in the mod it is here


Saachi is an enthusiastic, bright-eyed, and optimistic character who is 100% committed to making the world a better place. She throws herself in completely whenever there is someone in need. If she does not know how to help them, she will figure out how and then she will do it. She wears her heart on her sleeve and feels no shame for doing so.

She’s also a big dreamer. She is easily swept away into flights of fancy and lives just as much in her imagination as she does reality. As a result, she is frequently criticized by her superiors for having her head in the clouds and not being grounded enough. She’d argue that the only way to make the big sweeping changes that the world needs is to allow oneself to imagine how it could be better.

That said, she is extremely naive. Incredibly sheltered by an over-bearing adoptive father when she was a child, she ran away from his control only a handful of years ago and is only now actually learning about the world she spent so much time reading about. She trusts easily, which makes her a particularly good mark for con artists and those who might use her skills and desires to help for their own purposes.

Saachi is a student healer at Stillglade Fane in Gridania. Her primary interest is in helping refugee families (she helps to run a daycare for their children and studies midwifery). She is not motivated by money and will often offer her services for free or for the price of a goodwill favor (such as asking those she helps to assist others by crafting, cooking, or whatever way they might best help someone in need).

She is, however, quite scattered. She overthinks everything, she speaks her thoughts outloud in a rambling fashion, she makes bold declarations that sound akin to what she’s read in adventure books, and she shirks her duties at the Fane whenever she believes that something more pressing (or interesting) is happening elsewhere, often to her instructors’ displeasure.

When she is not out in the world, she can usually be found at the daycare playing games with children, taking them on outings, reading them stories, or playing the harp.


Naive runaway: Saachi had a very controlling father when she was younger. She wasn't allowed to go anywhere unaccompanied, she had no close friends, she went nowhere dangerous. 5 years ago she ran away and she's learned a lot since then, but 5 years is still not very long in the grand scheme of things. She trusts extraordinarily easily and does not always immediately recognize signs of danger or cons.

Hero worship: While she didn't have many friends as a child, she did have a great deal of books. Her father let her read as many fairytales and myths as she wanted and it became the blueprint for what she'd begin to think of the world: It's a place full of dangers and people who need help. She wants to be that help! She'll recklessly throw herself into danger if it means being a hero.

Protector of children: Since discovering that she did not have the childhood she should have, she has made it a life's mission to make sure that other children do. She runs a daycare near the beach and her mission is to give the children there as much space to build their imaginations, creativity, and selves as they need. If a child is in need, Saachi is going to do everything she can to help that child.

Midwife: Saachi has been under the tutelage of Stillglade Fane since she ran away from home. She's a practicing conjurer and while she's always looking for an opportunity to protect allies in battle with her spells, she spends just as much time caring for pregnant refugees who do not have the access or funds to established doctors. She provides this service for free as she finds the opportunity to help those in need more meaningful to her than gil. If someone really wants to offer payment, she accepts donations to Stillglade Fane or to the daycare.

Law? What law?: Saachi does what she thinks is right no matter the consequences. And she tends to it in the most dramatic manner possible (that's what they'd do in books, after all). If local authority has laws in place that get in the way of her helping someone, she will ignore that law. If it's in the way of helping, it shouldn't be a law anyway, right? This often puts her at odds with local governments and with the Fane.

New Family: She has recently confessed to close friends that she ran away from home when she was 17 and they invited her to be a part of their family. This new family, and her friends in her FC, are important to her. She'll risk everything to protect them.

The Really Real Me!

Hi there! Here’s the bullet points about my OOC self.

☆ I’m a relatively boring, married lady with two cats, a leopard gecko, and a job that has me working really weird hours (M-F, 4 am- 10 am CST, the occasional weekday afternoon, and some weekends).

☆ Because of the weird job, I’m not on very late at night or early in the afternoon. That might make long term RP in game more difficult. I apologize for that!

☆ I do have a lot of years of RP experience though. I’ve RPed in FFXIV since soon after ARR came out. And I’ve played tabletop games (D&D 5e, Pathfinder, Exalted, etc) even longer than that. In fact, my FC currently uses 5e rules to run a few RP scenarios and I absolutely love it. Let me know if you have any interest in that kind of thing too!

+ I’m a bit shy about instigating RP because I’m always scared I’ll be a bother (I’ll try to be braver!). If I have my RP tag up, please feel free to come up and RP with me. And send tells anytime you like to see if I’d be up for it. I love getting to know people in the game (in and out of character).

☆ I also like to do RP on Discord and Google docs! This works well for my schedule because it gives me time to formulate better responses than when the pressure is on. It lets me multitask too! That said: I don’t tend to give out my Discord information right away. I’m not trying to be rude, I promise! I’d just rather get to know characters and players in game first and then give that information when we’ve known each other for awhile.

☆ I don’t want to do anything you are uncomfortable with. More important than anything IC to me is the person on the other side of the screen. RP should be fun! It can’t be fun if someone is miserable OOC.

☆ Finally, I'd love all my characters to develop a lot of different kinds of relationships with all kinds of characters. I'm not disinterested in romances for my characters, but I'm not looking for them either. I'd prefer relationships grow over time rather than be pre-planned. And I am not interested in anything beyond friendship OOC.

I hope we meet soon!